PHP for App Engine open to all
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PHP for App Engine open to all, Mobile Backend Starter for iOS - Google Cloud Platform
PHP on App Engine is now available for everyone. Take advantage of App Engine's scalability and ease of use to run PHP products like phpMyAdmin, Drupal and phpBB and frameworks like Laravel, Silex and CodeIgniter.
See Also
- App Engine 标准应用将告别
- 2012年圣诞节前建立的BAE app可免费使用Cache
- HHVM 如何让php 速度提高9倍
- 请问youBBS有没有可以在普通php环境上安装的版本?
- 在选用框架前参考一个:Python和PHP的Web服务器性能测试
- 上一篇 › NLTK 提取关键字首推
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